I need to know the paino notes for the song "Phantom of the Opera" from the Phantom of the Opera. (In sleep he sang to me...in dream he cared)
Also, if you could figure out Brightly Wound by Eisley on Piano (link below) that'd be lovely.
Phantom of the Opera?windows mobile
start on D, go chromatically down to B flat, come back up to D (chromatically), back down again, then A flat, Bflat, go back up chromatically again to D.
k so that's the intro
A D A C Bflat Bflat, G C G A (repeat) ((this would be: in sleep he sang to me, in dreams he came, that voice which calls to me and speaks my name))
A D F A G G, G C G A, A D, C Bflat A G F E D Csharp, Bflat Bflat, G A ((and do i dream again, for now i find, the phantom of the opera is there inside my mind))
Phantom of the Opera?safari browser internet explorer
here are the lyrics
In sleep he sang to me,In dreams he came,
That voice which calls to me,And speaks my name.
And do I dream again? For now I find.
The Phantom of the Opera is there-Inside my mind.
Sing once again with me, our strange duet,
My power over you, grows stronger yet.
And though you turn from me, to glance behind.
The Phantom of the Opera is there -inside your mind.
Those who have seen your face,
Draw back in fear.
I am the mask you wear.
It's me they hear.
You're/my spirit and my/you're voice in one combined.
The Phantom of the Opera is there inside my/your mind.
(in the background)
He's there,the Phantom of the Opera . . .
Beware the Phantom of the Opera . . .
In all your fantasies,you always knew that man and mystery . . .
...Were both in you.
And in this labyrinth, where night is blind,
the Phantom of the Opera is there/here inside your/my mind . . .
Sing, my Angel of Music!
He's there,
the Phantom of the Opera...
they'd probably have that at a classical music shop.
for both.
Using Google, there are results with the phrases "sheet music" and "phantom of the opera" (quotes included).
First off, it's "In sleep he sang to me, in dreams he came..."
And if you'd like, I could either try to figure out how my copy machine works and email you the sheet music from my Phantom piano book. If I don't get that to work, I have a setting on my camera that'll take a decent picture of each page, and then email it to you..
check out 8notes.com for tablature
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