Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What is the best opera to introduce to newbies?

I have friends I would like to introduce to opera. What would be good suggestions for beginner's opera?

My first was Puccini's Turandot (hence my name) and I haven't stopped listening since.

What is the best opera to introduce to newbies?internet browser

Carmen is a good choice, as noted above.

I would include La Boheme by Puccini, rather than starting off with Turandot. Most people will find it easier going.

Marriage of Figaro and Magic Flute are also good starters, expecially if you've got sur-titles in your theater, so they can follow the text.

Don't forget H?nsel und Gretel! Sure, it's a cute story, but the music is a lot lusher than you remember.

Elisir d'amore by Donizetti is a good intro to bel canto operas, followed by the ever popular Barber of Seville by Rossini. ( I still love the Bugs Bunny cartoon version!)

La Traviata comes over well, but if you are thinking of renting a DVD or video, try to find one with a good stage direction. This piece gets chewed up soo badly!

If you can find it, and it's around Christmas time, Menotti's "Amahl and the Night Visitors" about a little shepherd boy and the 3 Kings.

Happy listening!

What is the best opera to introduce to newbies?windows media center internet explorer

Carmen by Bizet

Madame Butterfly by Puccini

They are my favourites. In fact they are the only two I really like at all.
I would very strongly recommend either "La Boheme" or "Tosca" (both by Puccini) as a first opera. Both have good, easy-to-follow plots, and terrific music.

"La Boheme" was the first one I ever saw in person, on my thirteenth birthday, and have been hooked ever since. :-)

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